School Council

Dorothy Dalgliesh School Council

At Dorothy Dalgliesh School, we encourage parent/guardian participation in our Home and School/School Council, an organization that supports the school and its students in a multitude of ways.

The Home and School organization oversees fundraising efforts, hot lunch program and special celebrations throughout the year.

The School Council is comprised of the school principal, a teacher and parents/guardians of students at our school. School Council works closely with the principal and offers valuable input that helps guide school goals and improvements. School Council is one of the best ways of being involved in the education of your children.

Our School Council for the 2024/2025 school year is:

  • Chair- Michelle Marti
  • Vice chair - Laurell Greene
  • Treasurer - Ashley Cleghorm
  • Hot Lunch Coordinator - Laurell Greene
  • Secretary - Danielle Ross